Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Intelligence Squared Debate Series: Ban College Football

Malcolm Gladwell took part in the debate (he gives his initial remarks around the 11-minute mark). It isn't about making football illegal, but revolves more around some of the issues Gladwell discussed in THIS article. As Gladwell describes the debate:

As part of the Intelligence Squared debate series, I teamed up with Buzz Bissinger (of “Friday Night Lights” fame) in support of the proposition that college football should be banned. On the other side were the College Football Hall of Famer Tim Green and the sports columnist Jason Whitlock. Bissinger and I won handily. I’d like to think that our victory was the result solely of our debating skills. But I think it has more to do with how profoundly public opinion is shifting against football. If I were the N.F.L., I’d be worried.

Ban College Football from Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates and Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates on FORA.tv