Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Tribute to a Modern Day Hachiko – An Investment Idea from Matt Miller

My colleague, Matt Miller, decided to do a write-up on one of our newest and larger positions, AKITA Drilling Ltd. Although we normally like to keep new ideas quiet for a while, we thought this was another good example to show how we go about our investment process. We’ll probably talk about AKITA a little more in our next letter to investors. If you’re interested in receiving our letters, feel free to email either Matt or me at the email addresses listed HERE. And also feel free to email Matt with any questions about this write-up at: Due to tables and graphs, I decided to link to and also embed the write-up below instead of pasting it onto the blog.

Link to: A Tribute to a Modern Day Hachiko – By Matt Miller

A Tribute to a Modern Day Hachiko - AKITA Drilling

Disclosure: Matthew Miller is a portfolio manager at Chanticleer Advisors and the fund Chanticleer manages owns shares in AKITA Drilling Ltd. It may in the future buy or sell shares and it is under no obligation to update its activities. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell a security. Please do your own research before making an investment decision.

For Matt’s previous write-ups and ideas, please see:

A Find in Fremont

The Marketing Alliance – A Micro Cap with a Network Effect Advantage

The Clear Choice

Matt Miller Interview and Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc.