Monday, October 24, 2011

EGI Financial Holdings, Inc.

My colleague, Matt Miller, did a write-up on one of our newer positions for Value Investors Club. The company is EGI Financial Holdings, Inc. (EFH.TO) and the write-up is now available for public viewing.

Link to: Matt’s write-up on EGI Financial Holdings


Disclosure: Matthew Miller is a portfolio manager at Chanticleer Advisors and the fund Chanticleer manages owns shares in EGI Financial Holdings, Inc. It may in the future buy or sell shares and it is under no obligation to update its activities. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell a security. Please do your own research before making an investment decision.

For Matt’s previous write-ups and ideas, please see:

A Tribute to a Modern Day Hachiko

A Find in Fremont

The Marketing Alliance – A Micro Cap with a Network Effect Advantage

The Clear Choice

Matt Miller Interview and Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc.

Butler National Corp.